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Policy Scholars on Mastodon

Follow all your favourite policy scholars

You want to get in touch with policy scholars from around the world on Mastodon? This page lists accounts from policy scholars and schools and offers an easy method to follow multiple accounts at once. Just decide if you want to follow all or only some of the accounts listed below. You are provided with a .csv-file, which you can upload in Mastodon in order to follow all accounts included. Here you can find a short instruction, on how to do this.

Futher information on how to be added or removed can be found at the bottom of this page.

Accounts by handle, name, and keywords (most recent first)

You want to be on the list, too? Please e-mail your Mastodon ID (in form "@user@instance"), your account (in form"https://instance/@user"), your name (in form "Firstname Lastname")and any keywords you would like to have listed (in form "policy_integration policy_coordination policy_process" - i.e no commas and using spaces between terms and underscores between words) in one line to michaelpatrickhowlett@gmail.com

e.g. "@smith@fediscience.org,Jane Smith,https://fediscience.org/@smith,climate_policy energy_policy policy_practice policy_theory"

If you want to be removed from the list, please contact me at the above address.